
My name is Katie and I am the Creative Historian! The Creative Historian

During my four years at university studying ancient history I noticed that there was no where that I could buy Classics-themed goodies for the friends I made on my courses. After my degree finished I made an attempt at self-employment while working part time. It didn't work. In the end I moved to London after getting a full-time job in the archives sector.

But even with full-time work, I never forgot that the ancient world seemed to have been forgotten by retailers. Thus I started a shop on Etsy; Creative Classics. After 18 months I started a second shop; Creative History.

These shops were then combined with my eBook series "30 Women in History" to create the "Creative Historian". My unique greetings card range can be used for any occasion, but make particularly good history gifts (especially when you pop a bookshop giftcard in), while my badges and fridge magnets make one-of-a-kind gifts for classicists, and my hats and t-shirts are great gifts for archaeologists.

I continue to add new products to the shop, and my eBook series is on-going with many volumes planned out. For sneak previews, news and updates please follow my Twitter feed or join me on Instagram.

I also offer talks for Women's Institutes and similar groups, and occasionally do guest blog posts with other history blogs.